Jul 4Liked by Spooky with Izel

Ooh I'm so going to join you in doing this! My poor body is like a pretzel when I wake up so this will definitely help.

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Welcome Soph!!! 💕 The habit are tiny so would be easy to implement! And the body! Same here. I sleep with my knees practically on my head 😅😭

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Jul 4Liked by Spooky with Izel

I'm a huge fan of making tiny habits because they're actually realistic & sustainable, and I often go above & beyond them but never *have* to. For example, I promised myself to meditate 30 seconds every night before bed. Most people would say that's pointless, but I usually end up staying in meditation for several minutes and guess what... at least I do it every day!

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I know right? They are easy to implement cause they are ‘tiny‘. Once you start it, it’s easy to carry on! It’s never pointless.

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Jul 4Liked by Spooky with Izel

From a perspective of someone who sits deep in topic of movement and health for 20 years now >>

Actually after sleeping, your discs and spine areas are filled with a lot of water.

After waking up, stand slowly, do light vertical jumps for a few moments, then do stretches You said.

Your advice is what animals do, but we are a bit different, we walk on two legs ( usually ;) and our spine is attacked by gravity in different manner than those who move on four legs.

I see Your advice as a move in positive direction and setting up good course for rest of the day.

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Ohhh that’s interesting to hear! Thank you so much for pointing it out!!

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Jul 4Liked by Spooky with Izel

Welcome Boo

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Love the tinyl habits!

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I’m so glad you like it Tan 😍💕

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Jul 3Liked by Spooky with Izel

Loving this!!! Let's do it! 💕

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Glad you joined! On Tuesdays from next week 😍

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Jul 3Liked by Spooky with Izel

Will do the challenge from tomorrow. 👍 And I would like it to get it every Tuesday. So that I can start the practice a day ahead.

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Glad to hear Shanjitha 💕 Will post in Tuesday form next week on!

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I start (and end) my day with stretching! Though my habit is nine minutes. Why nine? Because that’s the length of my snooze.

My routine: My alarm “goes off” (the brown noise on my sound machine ends and a flute song plays—I’m instantly awake), I do the mermaid (kinda like a banana on your side) on each side, then a spinal twist on each side, and finally child’s pose. When the flute music plays again, I turn it off, do one last stretch (seated forward fold with flexed feet—stupid plantar fasciitis) and get out of bed.

As a side sleeper, my body is curled up when I wake, so the mermaid opens the front of my body (contracts s the over-stretched back muscles), the twists open the SI joint and release the piriformis (glutes), and child’s pose flexes my back extensors, stretched the glutes more, compresses the hips/knees like a deep squat, and the forward fold releases the compression while stretching the hamstrings. I’ll hold each for up to a minute with the twists for 3-ish minutes on each side.

It’s not exactly a “tiny habit” like your suggestion, but I fully support the development of an awakening the body with a stretch!!!

And “Tiny Habits Tuesdays” has a nice ring to it!

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Wow! This is so valuable! I’m also a side sleeper!! My knees are practically against my head when I sleep 😅 I haven’t tried stretching for 9 minutes for though! Should try it out!

And the name! Well, form next week, we’ll have Tiny Habit Tuesdays! Thank you 💕😍

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Oh I love this! My first thought was like: "Nah, 5 minutes stretches in bed?!" And then I realised it IS a TINY habit: 5 seconds. Love it, will try it literally first thing tomorrow morning.

I like your idea of posting the tiny habits on Tuesdays: I usually get a general feeling of how a week is going on Tuesdays. And then I can read your tiny habit challenge and get a little boost to try it from Wednesday for the rest of the week!

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Ohh I'm soo glad you like it Fab 💕✨️ I will post it on Tuesday from next week onwards!! Thank you so much for the input 💝

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